We help you
You can quickly find help in the Help Center or in our manuals and instructional videos below. If you are still unsure, our service team will be happy to help you. Please contact us via:
Email:service@blackteamotorbikes.com (only for service requests from existing customers)
Telephone/ WhatsApp/ Telegram: +49 152 59649727 (only for service inquiries from existing customers)
Why do I have to maintain the Bonfire/Wildfire?
It is important to maintain your motorcycle properly. This means you can ride safely, extend the life of your motorcycle, avoid higher maintenance costs and receive the full warranty.
Scheduled maintenance prevents expensive repairs later on and to be able to benefit from the warranty it is important that your motorcycle has been well maintained. After maintenance, your bike will be in top condition and will last a long time.
When is the inspection due?
In the first year or after 2,000 km (whichever comes first) and every 5,000 km thereafter.
When will the service be performed?
The current service round in 2024 is fully booked.
The next service round will start in 2025.
What should I bring with me?
You don't need to bring anything with you, because we record and save your service online.